Just when you thought you had it all figured out.
As a child, you see your parents as never getting old, they will be there for you forever.
When you’re hurting, they will be there to take the pain.
When you need them, they will be there no matter what.
But then the moment comes when...
Welcome to the sandwich generation.
The inevitable part of life where you worry about caring for your parents and raising your children.
Living the sandwich life can be a wonderful experience but when you begin to feel stuck, overwhelmed, or anxious you can lose sight of your hopes and dreams.
So much stress and worry go into caring for your aging parent, raising your family, and working in your career or business that you can feel exhausted.
What if you could feel free and joyful?
What would your life look like?
What would you be doing?
How would show up for your family, career, friends, your life?​​
I can help you achieve the life you dream.

After 22 years of working in the financial services industry, I answered my calling to serve a community I feel passionate about, the sandwich generation.
Caring for aging parents while raising children can be stressful. I know. With the tools and skills of managing my mind, I was able to find clarity in the most stressful situations.
I want to help you do the same, to find your peace.
Is coaching for you?
Check to see if the following apply to your life...
Feeling overwhelmed, stressed, guilty, ashamed, anxious and you don’t know what to do
Challenges in your marriage because of finances and/or discussions about your parents' future and your future
Feeling you are alone with no one to talk to or who understands what you are going through
Concerned you may not be able to afford the cost of care for your parent and be able to fulfill your family's financial goals
Feeling guilty you may miss your child's little league game because you're taking your parent to a doctor's appointment
Feeling less joy in your life because you feel you are being pulled in all directions with no time for you